George Eliot Review Online



Date of this Version


Document Type



The George Eliot Review 21 (1990)


Published by The George Eliot Review Online


This being my first report to you as Treasurer I would like to begin by thanking my predecessor, Brenda Evans, for her initial instruction into the nature of the job, for her continuing help throughout the year and for her patience in forwarding mail for the time it took to get addresses sorted out. I would also like to thank your Council and especially your Secretary, Kathleen, for their help and understanding towards a "new boy".

Turning now to the accounts, you will see that I have made some changes to the presentation. In particular, at the left hand side of both the Income and Expenditure columns I have included (in italics) the corresponding amounts, as nearly as possible, for 1988.

I am not sure what is a normal Fellowship year in financial terms but there were sufficient "one-offs" to regard 1989 as somewhat unusual and I will draw your attention to these as I lead you through the accounts.

On the Income side the first major item is the sum of nearly £1100 of donations from Life Members. This was a magnificent response to the appeal which we made some twelve months ago. Our most grateful thanks go to our Life Members. The profit on the Gabriel Woolf readings was up by some £50 reflecting his never waning popularity. Once again we are most grateful to the Parlour Performers for giving freely of their time and talents, not only entertaining us but enabling us to record a profit of £182 on the evening. We are also most grateful for the grant from the Nuneaton & Bedworth Joint Arts Council which enables us to stage the annual Memorial Lecture, and also to everyone who filled our "begging bowls" most generously to give a handsome profit of £82 compared with £23 last year.
