George Eliot Review Online



Date of this Version


Document Type



The George Eliot Review 22 (1991)


Published by The George Eliot Review Online


From a financial point of view 1990 was an uneventful year with no major items of expenditure. Income from subscriptions showed a small increase over 1989 whereas that from donations was considerably less. This is because, you will recall, in 1989 we made a special appeal to Life Members to which they responded magnificently leading to an exceptionally large "Donation" income in that year.

Of our functions, the Gabriel Woolf readings once again showed an increase in profit but unfortunately the Diamond Jubilee Evening showed a loss. Souvenir Sales gave a healthy profit with the mini-statue of George Eliot and the GEF Badges being new items. We never seem to sell many souvenirs at anyone time but at the end of the year it is surprising just how many items have been sold.

On the expenditure side I have shown some detail of the breakdown of income/ expenditure on the "Review". The cost of printing is very high but postage is also a major item, being nearly one half of the postage costs for all our other work. A most welcome item of income is that from sponsors and, for the first time, from advertisers. Postage costs generally are kept to a minimum as a result of much' 'legwork" by members in delivering local Newsletters and Reviews. We are most grateful to them.
