George Eliot Review Online


Date of this Version


Document Type



The George Eliot Review 23 (1992)


Published by The George Eliot Review Online


Having left the composition of my message to members of the Fellowship, as always, until the last possible moment, I looked to see whether I could find some words of George Eliot appropriate to my predicament. In such a situation Mr. Alexander Main is a tremendous help. His compilation of Wise, Witty and Tender Sayings of George Eliot saves hours of looking through the real thing. As always, I did not look in vain, and, further vacillation being out of the question, I now greet my fellow members, having enjoyed a further successful year, and looking forward to the next. Forme perhaps the highlight of this year was the news of Kathleen Adam s 's honorary degree, to be awarded by Warwick University. Never was such an honour more richly deserved. May she and the Fellowship go from strength to strength.
