George Eliot Review Online



Kathleen Adams

Date of this Version


Document Type



The George Eliot Review 25 (1994)


Published by The George Eliot Review Online


The year's events began in a quite festive manner. Although the Annual General Meeting in March produced no special surprises, it was the 25th anniversary of my election as Fellowship Secretary so I provided cakes instead of the usual mundane biscuits and was presented with a lovely bouquet.

The AGM of the Alliance of Literary Societies followed on April 24th and the Fellowship, as always, was well represented. The John Clare Society were our hosts and we saw some excellent slides of the John Clare Country.

Gabriel Woolf and Rosalind Shanks gave us two splendid evenings of readings a few days later in Nuneaton and Coventry. Entitled 'I Say, Garsong!', it was an entertaining look at the Victorian abroad and it included passages from Daniel Deronda, Romola and Middlemarch, all beautifully read. How well these two work together. We are most grateful for help at Nuneaton from Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and at the University of Warwick Arts Centre in Coventry from our most generous sponsors whose financial help makes the Coventry performance possible. We are very fortunate to have so many good friends.

Graham Johnson, the distinguished musician and accompanist, was our principal guest at the Westminster Abbey Wreath-laying on June 19th and he gave us a very well researched address on George Eliot, the European. So well did he know his subject that he spoke without notes or text, thus depriving us of copy for the Review, much to our dismay. Even more to our dismay was the discovery later that we had a lady with us at the Abbey who could have taken it all down in shorthand! We must not allow ourselves to be caught out like that again.
