Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for


Date of this Version



Published in Proceedings of Great Plains Wildlife Damage Control Workshop, December 10, 11, and 12, 1973, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Edited by F. Robert Henderson.


In an effort to gain some insight into the sport hunting of coyotes in Kansas, Bob Henderson circulated 586 detailed questionnaires and received 228 replies--an excellent voluntary response.

Time does not permit detailed comments on each question and reply. We shall only hit the highlights, and add some editorial comment where it seems appropriate.

It should be remembered that those who took the time to answer the 35 questions were devotees of the sport. This point is emphasized by the fact that of the 225 hunters who responded, 95 have been hunting coyotes for 20 years or more. The next largest group was 52 hunters who had been hunting coyotes from one to five years. Of those hunting 20 years or more, 58 hunters believed that there are more coyotes than 20 years ago and only 5 believed that there were fewer.
