Grassland Studies, Center for


Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings

Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings, 2021

Date of this Version


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings, 2021

Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Abstracts and biographies

Conservation Practices & Grazing Management by Chris Larsen

Prescribed Burning by Mark Alberts

Grazing Management by Craig Howard

Plant Identification by Jerry Volesky

Welcome and Opening Remarks by Daren Redfearn

Center for Grassland Studies Updates by Walt Schacht

Conservation Session, Session Moderator: Ben Beckman

Storytelling in Nebraska's Grasslands by Ethan Freese

History of Conservation on a Private Ranch by Mike Kelly

Value of Pollinators in Grasslands Habitat Session, Session Moderator: Daren Redfearn

2020 Leopold Conservation Awardees by Ed Olson and Leta Olson

Simple Steps and Benefits of Including Pollinator Habitat on Your Land by Melissa Panella

Roles of Pollinators and Decline Issues by Judy Wu-Smart

Managing Wet Meadows, Session Moderator: Jerry Volesky

Subirrigated Meadow Management by Walt Schacht

Sandhills Wet Meadows: A Botanist's Perspective by Gerry Steinauer

Managing Rainwater Basin Wetlands by Jeff Drahota

Grazing Management to Reduce Reed Canarygrass and Other Cool-season Grasses in Wet Meadow by John Guretzky

How Grazing Wet Meadows Benefits the Entire Ranch by Tim Goodnight

Grassland Carbon Credits Panel

Carbon Sequestration: Government Policy vs Reality: Is There Common Ground? by Greg Ibach

Carbon Markets and Carbon Banks: What Do They Mean for Nebraska Agriculture? by Dave Aiken

Carbon Markets: The Untold Story by Roric Paulman

Grazing Systems, Session Moderator: Mitchell Stephenson

Management: The Limiting Factor in Grazing Management by John Walker

Changes in Grazing Management from Continued Educational Programming by Sean Kelly

Grazing Education: The South Dakota Grassland Coalition Model by Dan Rasmussen

Risk Management, Session Moderator: Jay Parsons

Livestock Risk Management 101 by Jim Jenkins

Managing Pasture Production Risk by Jay Parsons

Cattle Markets Are on Fire: What Price Risk Should We Be Managing For? by Elliott Dennis

Conference Overview by Tim Kalkowski
