"Review of <i>Fort Laramie: Military Bastion of the High Plains</i> by " by Mark R. Scherer

Great Plains Studies, Center for


Date of this Version

Spring 2010

Document Type



Great Plains Quarterly 30:3 (Spring 2010).


Copyright © 2010 Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska.


In the annals of American westward expansion in the nineteenth century, few locations stand out more prominently than Fort Laramie in eastern Wyoming. During its almost sixty years as an active military post, the fort and the community that grew up around it bristled with the activities of the full array of iconic western figures, from fur traders and overland emigrants to Native Americans and the soldiers and government officials dispatched to deal with them, either through negotiation or military force. With Fort Laramie: Military Bastion of the High Plains, former National Park Service field historian Douglas C. McChristian breathes new life into the fort's dramatic, sometimes controversial, and always eventful history. Indeed, he makes a strong argument in defense of his claim that Fort Laramie became "the quintessential frontier army post, ranking as the most historically significant of them all."
