Great Plains Studies, Center for
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Patterns of Life, Patterns of Art presents the Native American Collection of Guido R. Rahr, a gift to the Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth College. The catalogue consists of 32 full color illustrations, as well as listing and describing 182 collection items. Of the objects illustrated, only a few are artistic masterpieces, but all the objects will interest students of Native American material culture. The casual reader may find the captions under some illustrations confusing, and in at least one instance the captions are inverted (p. 54, catalogue 79, 80). In her essay, Barbara A. Hail takes on the rather difficult task of addressing three diverse Native American cultural and artistic traditions-the Plains, Great Lakes, and the Plateau. While the essay is easily readable, it covers much familiar ground.
Published in Great Plains Quarterly SUMMER 1988 .Copyright 1988 Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska—Lincoln.