Great Plains Studies, Center for



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Published in Great Plains Quarterly 19:4 (Fall 1999). Copyright © 1999 Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.


This issue marks my last as editor of the Great Plains Quarterly. As I take up my new duties as Assistant Director of Humanities at the University of Nebraska, I leave the GPQ in the able hands of Chuck Braithwaite. Chuck comes to us from the University of Montana and I hope you'll support him as wholeheartedly as you did me. I want to thank my staff: Lona Dearmont, Daniel Justice, Andrea Radke, Linda Ratcliffe, Gretchen Walker, and George Wolf for their unfailing assistance, patience, and good humor. Thanks also to all of our anonymous peer reviewers who took time from their own busy schedules to read essays for me and to provide the commentary and critiques so necessary to ensuring that the scholarship we publish is of the highest quality. I am grateful, too, to my editorial board, especially Dick Etulain, Fran Kaye, Jim Stubbendieck, and David Wishart, all of whom patiently advised me (and politely looked the other way when I occasionally ignored them) on matters large and small. And finally, to our authors and our faithful subscribers who stuck with us as we negotiated the transition: thank you, one and all.
