"Review of <i> The Contested Homeland: A Chicano History of New Mexico<" by Armando C. Alonzo

Great Plains Studies, Center for


Date of this Version

Fall 2000


Published in Great Plains Research 10 (Fall 2000). Copyright © 2000 The Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Used by permission. http://www.unl.edu/plains/publications/GPR/gpr.shtml


The goal of this anthology, consisting of ten essays on the history of the Nuevomexicano experience from the short Mexican period to the post-Chicano movement era of the 1960s and 1970s, is to present a Chicano perspective on the Nuevomexicano historical experience. Divided into two parts, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the collection's essays deal primarily with twentieth-century themes, a reasonable approach given the brevity of the Mexican era and the much longer period after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which initiated the era of United States rule. The dominant theme affirms that Nuevomexicanos have always contested their rights to equal citizenship in New Mexico, sometimes faring well, at others suffering the burden of being a racial or ethnic minority. Amidst this cultural conflict, much adaptation has characterized Nuevomexicano society in its interaction with the dominant forces since the coming of Anglo Americans.
