Great Plains Studies, Center for


Date of this Version

Spring 2005


Published in Great Plains Research Vol. 15, No. 1, 2005. Copyright © 2005 The Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Used by permission.


Stephen Ambrose would he proud! During this bicentennial commemoration of the most intrepid expedition in American history, a plethora of hooks on a broad range of topics dealing with the "Journey or Lewis and Clark" have made their appearance. Hoganson and Murphy have taken an intriguing look at one segment or the journey-the physical environment or North Dakota where the expedition spent more time (213 days) than in any other area that would become a state during its two-and-a-half-year-long journey from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean. As mandated by Thomas Jefferson, a major goal or the expedition was to observe and record geology, to collect rock, mineral, and fossil samples, and to assess the potential for economic reserves along the four-thousand-mile route. Hoganson and Murphy deftly combine the history and geology of the Northern (Great Plains in a well-written. lavishly illustrated text. The book is chock-full or photographs, diagrams, maps, and tables that present the geological and historical story in a visually concise and comprehensible manner. The authors also include a convenient glossary and have smartly divided their bibliography into two sections: the first citing those works dealing with the historical aspects covered in the book, the second listing texts concerned with North Dakota and Northern Great Plains geology.
