The Holland Computing Center (HCC) has significant resources in two locations: the Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) at Omaha and the Schorr Center at UNL. Personnel are located in each location to assist users, engage students and researchers, and maintain systems. HCC provides various services to researchers associated with any campus of the University of Nebraska system. Agreements are also in place with corporate and non-University researchers who share common interests or needs related to high performance computing resources. Firefly, a 21 TFlop supercomputer located in the PKI facility, is used by scientists and engineers to study topics such as nanoscale chemistry, subatomic physics, meteorology, crashworthiness, and artificial intelligence. Other resources with specific roles include Merritt for shared memory processing; Red for LHC grid computing; and PrairieFire for legacy support and development of hadoop-on-demand and other custom implementations. HCC resources are used by students for thesis work and several courses.

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Holland Computing Center: Faculty Publications