Honors Program


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Collins, S. 2020. Proxibid: Bringing Multi-parcel Auctions Online. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Spencer Collins 2020.


Proxibid presented the team with the challenge and opportunity to bring real estate multi-parcel auctions into their current, online, auctioneering software offering. Multi-parcel auctions allow bidders the option to place a bid on any combination of parcels. These auctions allow for more bidders to participate by breaking up larger bids, and they tend to create more revenue for sellers. To meet this challenge, the team architected and developed a new service that integrated with existing Proxibid systems. This new system covers functionality from auction creation, through multi-parcel bidding, to post-sale actions and accounting. Throughout the development process, the product was deployed to a production environment to be integrated into the full Proxibid auction marketplace.
