Honors Program


Research: Software Architecture in Academia vs Industry

Date of this Version

Spring 5-6-2021

Document Type



McIntosh, Anthony. Harder, Maggie. Bütt, Ethan. Segal, Parker. Tanzillo, Peyton. Research: Software Architecture in Academia vs. Industry. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. May 2021.


Copyright Anthony McIntosh, Maggie Harder, Ethan Butt, Parker Segal, and Peyton Tanzillo, 2021


With the software engineering practices and standards changing each year, a gap has started to develop between what is being taught in academia and what is being applied in industry. We created a survey designed to encourage reflection on current software architecture practices and priorities and released it to several representatives within academia and industry. This open-form survey allowed respondents freedom to share their experience and perspective on software design and how software is created in their field, as well as how current practices could be improved. We evaluated the responses given, which revealed several insights into current academic and industry practices. Besides showing a divide in the top development priorities, the responses also gave evidence of a difference in practices and experience between industry and academia today. While not all of these differences can realistically be eliminated (and an argument can be made that not all should), it is clear that both academia and industry stand to benefit from insights and practices provided from the other area.

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