Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 4-16-2018

Document Type



Heimes, M. J. (2018). Examining the Relationship between Generativity and Socially Responsible Leadership (Unpublished Undergraduate Honors Thesis).


Copyright Morgan Heimes 2018


According to Hastings, Griesen, Hoover, Creswell, & Dlugosh (2015), college students who mentor seem to exhibit significantly higher levels of generativity compared to their non-mentoring peers, and generativity has also been shown to be the strongest predictor of social responsibility (Rossi, 2001). Socially responsible leadership is defined by Komives, Lucas, and McMahon as “a personal commitment to the well-being of people, our shared world, and the public good” (1998, p. 14-15). With the Baby Boomer generation phasing out of the workforce, young adults in the workforce are quickly entering into positions of leadership. This large transfer of leadership calls for young adults to not just be leaders, but socially responsible leaders. In order to shed light on ways to help foster the development of socially responsible leadership among young adults, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between generativity and socially responsible leadership in college students who mentor in the Nebraska Human Resources Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
