Honors Program
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Schmidt, I., Kolbas, N., Boinpally, T., Do, H., and Ntwali, A. Hudl Athletic Director Experience. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2023.
The Hudl Design Studio team was tasked with creating a must-have tool for athletic directors (ADs) to view key insights about their athletic programs to connect with their coaches, athletes, and fans. The students accomplished this through the creation of Hudl Skybox, an interactive AD dashboard experience. Hudl Skybox aggregates the usage data from all the school’s Hudl accounts and presents insights in a clear, concise, and flexible interface. Doing so will help ADs hold their coaches accountable, connect with their athletes, and justify their Hudl costs to stakeholders.
Copyright Isabelle Schmidt, Nothan Kolbas, Tejaswini Boinpally, Harry Do, and Alisson Ntwali 2023