Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 3-25-2024

Document Type



Huynh, Hannah. Untouchables. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. 2024.


Copyright Hannah Huynh 2024.


This thesis issues discussion about familial abuse and the role that nurturing or destructive upbringings have in influencing cycles of differing family dynamics. It addresses how emotional reactions towards living conditions in adolescence bleed into adulthood and, in turn, affect internal and external factors such as: mental health, mental insecurity, and projection of oneself into the real world. As such, narratives in this excerpt expose the deterioration of mental health after experiencing forms of abuse and coping/healing strategies to experiencing past trauma. Thematically, the narrative features the bridging of visual image and text, specifically in the protagonist’s ability to flashback from experiences highlighted her childhood through physical and conceptual images as she projects those memories into her current state of adulthood. Through her own personal development, she shows the reality of the irregularity of growth and its deviation from a singular, linear line of progress. This honest portrayal of maturation signifies comfort in self-discovery and the individuality of girlhood that stems from toxic cycles of upbringing.
