"Math Basics Afterschool Club" by Lexi Soukup and Meg Williams

Honors Program


Document Type


Date of this Version

Spring 2022


Soukup, Lexi, and Meg Williams. “Math Basics.” After-school club lesson plans. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2019.


Copyright 2021 by Lexi Soukup and Meg Williams under Creative Commons Non-Commercial License. Individuals and organizations may copy, reproduce, distribute, and perform this work and alter or remix this work for non-commercial purposes only.


This is a compilation of Lexi Soukup and Meg Williams’ work as Club Leaders in an Afterschool Club run through the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and YMCA Afterschool Programs titled Math Basics. Our club is an interactive, hands-on math exploration where students are challenged to change their perspective of math, and it is meant to occur once weekly. During this club, we try to challenge their current views of math and expand their knowledge on math concepts they learn in class through activities and games. This is meant to make math FUN! Our compilation of lesson plans are sure to give kids grades K-2 a hands-on, interactive math experience where messing is okay and trying again is expected. Our hope is to share our love of math with the next generation of future leaders in STEM. When equipped with this set of skills, children will form a healthier relationship towards math that may not have been possible without our club. Enjoy!
