"STEM Opportunities - High School 2019" by Huey-Xian Kelly Wong, Madeleine Rauhauser et al.

Honors Program


Document Type


Date of this Version

Summer 8-15-2019


Wong, Huey-Xian Kelly, Madeleine Rauhauser, and Annie Nelson. "Opportunities in STEM." After school club lesson plans. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2019.


Copyright 2019 by Huey-Xian Kelly Wong under Creative Commons Non-Commercial License. Individuals and organizations may copy, reproduce, distribute, and perform this work and alter or remix this work for non-commercial purposes only.


This publication details the lesson plan for the “Opportunities in STEM” club for the summer of 2019. This club began out of a desire to educate high school students about the opportunities and careers available in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. Often, students feel that the prospect of entering a STEM field is daunting and out of their grasp. What it means to be a scientist is often unclear, and students never consider opportunities out of the fear of the unknown, particularly when science is associated with complexity and difficulty. This lesson plan integrates experiments with a wealth of information regarding careers in STEM and STEM principles.

The end goal was to foster a love for science in students, inspire them to pursue careers in STEM, and teach students through engaging experiences. Each experiment is paired with a short lecture. While we wanted to expand students knowledge of STEM fields, the focus of this club was always meant to be on actual experiments. After school, high school students are not keen to sit down and be lectured at more, nor are lectures immensely enjoyable. Thus, our experience-centered lesson plan maximizes the enjoyment and education of high school students in an after-school club environment.
