"Basics of Stepping Club" by Hana Pham and Yara Madit

Honors Program


Document Type


Date of this Version

Spring 2020


Pham, Hana and Madit, Yar. “Basics of Stepping Club.” After school club lesson plans. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2020.


Copyright 2020 by Hana Pham and Yar Madit under Creative Commons Non-Commercial License. Individuals and organizations may copy, reproduce, distribute, and perform this work and alter or remix this work for non-commercial purposes only.


Originating in West Africa in the 1500s, step has since evolved into a form of dancing that places emphasis on rhythmic movements and high energy. It is commonly used amongst greek organizations and within schools. This club introduces stepping to older children through activities such as stamina, focus, teamwork, and problem solving.
