"Beyond the Plot: Learning Through Fiction" by Anne Kluthe

Honors Program


Document Type


Date of this Version

Spring 2020


Kluthe, Anne. "Beyond the Plot: Learning Through Fiction." After school club lesson plans. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2020.


Copyright 2020 by Anne Kluthe under Creative Commons Non-Commercial License. Individuals and organizations may copy, reproduce, distribute, and perform this work and alter or remix this work for non-commercial purposes only.


Encourage learning about complex, confusing, or even just random topics that were covered in fictional stories. Later on, shift the narrative from "discover new topics from what we are reading" to "what is the author trying to say here? What was their intent? What clues is the author giving us, and what do you think will happen next in the story?". This brings elementary schoolers a first interaction with deeper English themes, such as author's intent, at a low-stakes interaction to build confidence in the works and in themselves.

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