Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 4-29-2019

Document Type



Kenny, S. 2019. Strategic Audit of Amazon.com, Inc. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Sarah E. Kenny 2019


Amazon has recently grown as a company, surpassing many other online retailing websites. However this success is threatened by Amazon's reputation as an evil company. Amazon faces numerous lawsuits for unlawful termination and inhumane warehouse conditions. This current generation of consumers dislikes supporting companies that they view as evil, meaning that if a company entered the market that had better business practices, consumers would quickly leave Amazon. The audit suggests that Amazon combats these views by improving warehouse conditions, increasing minimum wage at their workplaces, and increasing benefits for workers. This audit also suggests that Amazon improves one of their other largest issues, dissatisfaction with products. This can be done through improved vendor vetting and through improved shipping options. Amazon's largest strength is their name recognition. As long as Amazon can hold its current customer base, it will continue to be the most successful internet retail company.
