Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 3-2020

Document Type



Morrison, Ashely. Winnebago Nation of Nebraska Response Patterns, 1865-1911: A Gendered & Generational Analysis. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. March 2020.


Copyright Ashley Morrison 2020


During the era of federal assimilation policy, the Winnebago people asserted their cultural identity and history at every step of allotment and boarding school policy. From their distinct responses, Winnebago men and women defended their autonomy and sovereignty to federal intervention. By examining their unique opinions, a more cumulative understanding of the various tactics the Winnebago people used can be further explored. Gender, education, and generation shaped individual responses. Through demanding an inclusion of women in allotting land to taking children away from the Winnebago Industrial School, the Winnebago people resisted against the paternalistic control of the United States. These reactions and tactics demonstrate the diverse, complex reality in Winnebago people's responses to colonialism. In highlighting these distinct strategies, future scholars can further dismantle the binaries imposed by federal Indian policy and promoted in historical documents.
