Honors Program


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Lockard, T., VanReeuwijk, D., Spadaro, D., Munro, F., Hanson, L., & Smalley, M. (2020). Arbor Day Foundation Consulting Project MNGT 475L. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska - Lincoln.


Copyright Trevor Lockard, Demi VanReeuwijk, Drew Spadaro, Frances Munro, Leigh Hanson, and Mason Smalley 2020.


Over the past 4 months, our team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Business Honors Academy has been working directly with Nebraska’s own, Arbor Day Foundation, or Arbor Day, in hopes of applying our skill sets and mindsets to solve a pressing problem Arbor Day currently faces. We have been tasked with the challenge of identifying creative, scalable, and profitable new business ventures for Arbor Day that will aid the generation of new revenue sources. With these sources of revenue, Arbor Day desires to further inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees and in turn solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Our recommendations to Arbor Day are to invest in social media to increase its brand awareness and presence with a younger demographic, to make use of influencer campaigns to increase social media engagement, and to utilize on-the-ground events and personalization tactics to increase repeat donations via social media.
