Honors Program
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Armstrong, D. 2020. Cold sintering Diisopropylamonium Bromide to form organic ceramic pellets. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Diisopropylamonium bromide is an organic ferroelectric compound. Standard sample preparation methods either require a powder or a single crystal. Certain measurements cannot be done on powders due to equipment limitations, and single crystals are difficult and time consuming to produce and handle. Cold sintering is a relatively new process that allows the creation of ceramics. The original cold sintering process was adapted to work for diisopropylamonium bromide. This allows the creation of ceramics with a large surface area. These pellets can achieve up to 95% of the theoretical maximum density. While the pellets are currently unsuitable for electric testing at this time it appears promising that they will be viable in the near future. Currently, the pellets are much quicker to produce than the crystals, and are more compact than powder. This means that once further research is complete, they will be viable alternative samples.
Copyright Darren Armstrong 2020.