"A Reason to Daydream" by Corinne Schipull

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 3-12-2018

Document Type



Schipull, Corinne. A Reason to Daydream. University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Mar. 12 2018.


Copyright Corinne Schipull 2018


Sexism in American culture comes as no surprise. In 2017, the film industry saw an increasing number of powerful men within its ranks exposed and exiled for allegations of sexually predatory behavior. Many see this purging as a sign of changing times, but this view is optimistic: the tides of change ebb in and out, and this problem far exceeds the movie industry. Well before the onslaught of articles on the likes of Harvey Weinstein, my classmates and I resolved to craft our senior thesis film with a crew made up entirely of women: we simply saw the pool of talent within our school, and within it a unique opportunity. We structured our story around the idea of women supporting women, and, since any story needs conflict to function, the struggles of women. Both protagonists face sexual harassment and abuse as they try to find their places in the world, and work together to create a better situation for themselves. This subjective film is accompanied by a more objective essay describing some of the process of making the film, as well as research summarizing some of the realities that women face, both in the film industry and without. In this way I aim to concretely communicate the reasons my classmates and I felt our project was necessary.
