"Safety Splash: Pool Safety for Children and Adults" by Rachel Lofton

Honors Program


Date of this Version


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Lofton, R. (2022). Safety Splash: Pool Safety for Children and Adults. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Rachel Lofton 2022.


This outreach project was made to address the issue of too many children drowning at pools due to a lack of water safety education. The dissemination of pool safety education is imperative to reduce accidental injuries and drownings. The goal of the Safety Splash video and supplemental materials is to provide pool safety education for children and adults. By encouraging conversations between children and adults before going to the pool, there can be an intervention that reduces the risk of injury and drowning once they arrive. Through research, I compiled information to support the effectiveness of a combination video, pamphlet, and activity sheet program. This was grounded in health communication design, which informed the script and shot list of the video. Safety Splash teaches children and adults how to approach playing around water and provides explanations for these guidelines. It outlines common behaviors at the pool which should be avoided and outlines common rules that are standard practice at many pools. This video and program use simple language to appeal to children and a wider audience. This resource is free and accessible via the internet so as to reach as wide an audience as possible.
