"Genomic Analysis of Acetoanaerobium sp. VLB-1, an Anaerobic Bacterium " by Claire Martin

Honors Program


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Martin, C. 2022. Genomic Analysis of Acetoanaerobium sp. VLB-1, an Anaerobic Bacterium Isolated from Nebraska's Eastern Saline Wetlands. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Claire Martin 2022.


Through the analysis of genetic code, the genomic and physiological characteristics of an environmental anaerobic bacterial isolate, Acetoanaerobium sp. strain VLB-1, can be determined and significant pathways can be identified in its significance to the environment. This particular organism was isolated from the Eastern Saline Wetlands in Lincoln, NE. With this isolate, an investigation into elemental and amino acid cycling via the Stickland reaction and the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway was conducted to determine possible metabolic products. The Stickland reaction is a relatively newly discovered pathway, observed in the genus Clostridium. A. sticklandii is the main model for this method of anaerobic amino acid fermentation and the new way to generate energy. The genome of our isolate was sequenced, using long read sequencing techniques from Novogene with a goal to close the genome for a complete reading. The genome had a close relation to Acetoanaerobium sticklandii strain DSM 519 and Acetoanaerobium noterae strain NOT-3, each with a similarity of 98.48%. With the analysis of the genome performed, the organism appears to use the Stickland reaction to oxidize amino acids and the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway to fix carbon, which is characteristic of many Acetoanaerobium and Clostridium species.
