"A Strategic Audit of SeaWorld" by Rachel Jendro

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-2022

Document Type



Jendro, Rachel. A Strategic Audit of SeaWorld. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. May 2022.


Copyright Rachel Jendro 2022.


This project is a strategic audit for SeaWorld Entertainment. The purpose of this report is to analyze the firm through multiple different perspectives and analyze the competitive advantage the business is pursuing. The project considers internal and external environments, strategic leadership, organizational structure, and resources to determine if and what type of competitive advantage the firm holds. Furthermore, it considers current events and strategic decisions, and how those relate to the overall strategy. A strategic audit is crucial to understanding the innerworkings of a firm. The factors that were analyzed are interconnected and performing a strategic audit can allow for discrepancies in strategy to be recognized. Ultimately, the audit is an important tool for investors, businesses, and individuals alike to understand the firm’s position in the industry.
