Honors Program
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Karney, R.(2022). A Comparison of Conversational Recast and Milieu in Language Sampling. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The purpose of this project was to observe the language and play abilities of two children and recognize the impacts of leading or following with different language interventions. Two preschool age children were selected and compared for these observations: one who has shown signs of communicative or social-emotional challenges and one who showed no such signs. For each child, information was gathered in regard to their behaviors and language during a play interaction with peers. In addition, two language samples were collected by the observer, one using the technique of conversational recast and the other using the technique of milieu teaching. The observations were interpreted through quantitative measures, such as the mean length of utterance (MLU) and type token ratio (TTR), as well as qualitative measures, such as nonverbal behavior, interactions with others, and relevance of conversational contributions.
Copyright Riha Karney 2022.