Honors Program


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Bahatsi, N. 2023. Systematic Review; Effect of Cover Crop on Working Farm. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Noella A Bahatsi 2023


On-farm research is when research techniques such as randomized, replicated treatments strips and large-scale techniques are used on actual farms or ranches. Due to a great deal of interest and curiosity among farmers and researchers who wish to make their farming methods more profitable, efficient, and/or sustainable, this type of research has been conducted more frequently each year. On-farm research has contributed to economic growth and the transfer of knowledge to farmers because of fresh discoveries and upgraded technology (Lacoste et al., 2022). This is also where farmers collaborate with researchers to test new management practices and technologies providing unbiased data about the benefits and boosting farmers' motivation.

The goal of this study was to understand how cover crops are being used with on working farms in the U.S. The specific research questions were: 1) Where are cover crops being experimented with on-farms? 2) What are the measurements taken from crop experiments on-farms? 3) What species of cover crops are commonly experimented with on-farms? 4) What crop rotations include cover crops in on-farm experiments?
