"Equine Nutrition: Pasture Planning in Nebraska" by Emma Vazquez

Honors Program


Document Type



Vazquez, E. M. (2023). Equine nutrition: Pasture planning in Nebraska. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Emma Vazquez 2023.


This paper describes the rationale behind four infographics on equine nutrition and pasture planning. These infographics are intended to provide Nebraskan horse owners with general advice on setting up and maintaining their pastures. The first three infographics cover pasture basics when building, pasture care, and ideal grass types. These grass types are further broken down between Western and Eastern Nebraska. Additionally, the fourth infographic gives some insight into why forage is a staple in the equine diet based on the digestive system.

All four infographics have been posted to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Horse Program social media pages in an effort to share them with the general public.
