"Building Before: Community Resiliency as Emergency Management" by Alexandria Rinne

Honors Program


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Rinne, Alexandria. Building Before: Community Resiliency as Emergency Management. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2023.


Copyright Alexandria Rinne 2023


This project seeks to address gaps in emergency preparedness education related to tornado response. Through an examination of current research about best practices for tornado emergency management response and an examination of the needs of FEMA Regions 7 and 8, the author has identified key strategies and stakeholders to increase positive outcome through building community engagement and resiliency. Three presentations were created for delivery to key community stakeholders—local government officials; non-governmental organizations, social networks, and associations; and individual private citizens. The project offers an overview of background research and provides presentation slide decks, scripts, and discussion guides, all created with a balance of necessary content information and flexibility to be adapted to a specific community’s needs.
