"The Rise and Fall of DACA: An Audio Series" by Dulce Garcia

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 4-30-2023

Document Type



Garcia, Dulce, host. The Rise and Fall of DACA. https://open.spotify.com/show/7Ke29ASI8jIgEchBBrFsmx?si=bfc7c73640274293. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2023


Copyright Dulce Garcia 2023. Access at https://open.spotify.com/show/7Ke29ASI8jIgEchBBrFsmx?si=bfc7c73640274293


The history of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, commonly known as DACA, is a tumultuous one. In 2012, when President Obama created DACA through an executive order it gave relief to hundreds of thousands of people who were brought to the United States as children without their knowledge, giving them a range of benefits like never before including a work permit, a social security number, protection from deportation, and others. Yet, these last ten years the program has stood on shaky grounds with constant court battles canceling, reinstating or partially rolling the program. This audio series will give a deep dive into the program, the cost it's put on Dreamers, and what’s at stake if the program were to end.

therisenfallofdacatrailerfinal_mixdown (1).mp3 (2948 kB)
Trailer: The Rise and Fall of DACA

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Part One: What Exactly is DACA?

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Part Two: A First Step to a Solution with Frida

therisenfallofdacapartthree_final.mp3 (16607 kB)
Part Three: The Many Court Battles of DACA

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Part Four: The 100,000+ Lost DACA Applications

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Part Five: The Wait Until a Happy Ending

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Special Edition Episode: The Challenges of Professional Development with DACA

riseandfallofdacaspecepi2_mixdown.mp3 (41237 kB)
