"Strategic Audit Report Pfizer – Brand-Name Pharmaceutical Manufacturin" by Madeleine Grimm, Meghan Schuette et al.

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-3-2023

Document Type



Boudreau, C., Goff, K., Grimm, M., Lockard, T., & Schuette, M. (2023). Strategic Audit Report Pfizer – Brand-Name Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (U.S.). Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Connor Boudreau, Kollin Goff, Madeleine Grimm, Trent Lockard, Meghan Schuette 2023.


The purpose of this strategic audit report is to provide an in-depth analysis of different aspects of Pfizer Inc.’s business operations and an overview of the different types of strategies that Pfizer employs within the Brand-Name Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry. The audit contains analyses of the company’s history and strategic leadership strategies, external environment, internal environment, performance, and competitive dynamics. These aspects are examined to provide a foundation for further analysis of Pfizer’s strategies in the context of the environment. This report also analyzes the company’s business and corporate-level strategies, the impact of recent mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance practices, and organizational structures and controls. Through these analyses, we concluded that Pfizer’s recent strategic decisions have been good choices for the company’s future plans.
