"Audio-Technica Strategic Audit" by Caleb Druckemiller

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 5-20-2023

Document Type



Druckemiller, C. 2023. Audio-Technica Strategic Audit. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Caleb Druckemiller 2023.


Audio-Technica is a multinational audio equipment design and manufacturing company specializing in the production of headphones, microphones, and turntables. The company has been a gold standard for professional use since its inception and has recently ventured into consumer markets. Using both internal and external analysis tools, this audit aims to evaluate how Audio-Technica has established itself in the highly competitive audio equipment industry. Specific techniques include Porter’s Five Forces and PESTEL analyses. After conducting this examination of Audio-Techinca and its industry environment, strategic recommendations will be made to best position the company moving forward.
