"Quid Multa?: What More? A Translation and Digital Annotation of Select" by Kelly Zach

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Summer 7-14-2023

Document Type



Zach, Kelly. Quid Multa?: What More? A Translation and Digital Annotation of Selected Letters from Cicero to Atticus. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. July 2023.


Copyright Kelly Zach 2023.


Modern Classicists are modernizing and digitizing the field of Classical Studies with great success. Philology, translation, and annotation are all aspects that have been evolved using techniques from the Digital Humanities. This project is a foray into the intersection between Classics and Digital Humanities combining traditional Classical work with a digital aspect. This digital aspect of annotation using a dependency grammar-based approach and intuitive software enhances the understanding and translation of selected letters from Cicero to Atticus.
