"In Situ Water Sensing Systems: Research on Advancements in Environment" by Abigail Seibel

Honors Program


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Seibel, A. In Situ Water Sensing Systems: Research on Advancements in Environmental Monitoring. Undergraduate Honors Theses, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2023.


Copyright Abigail Seibel 2023.


In this work, two sensing systems were researched in order to improve in situ environmental monitoring. The first is a pH and Total Alkalinity sensor used to determine these characteristics of sea water. I explored the facets of this sensor over a 7-week internship with Dr. Ellen Briggs in her lab in summer of 2023. The second is a more holistic sensing system that reads temperature, turbidity, and pressure used for studying environmental characteristics of Alaskan bever ponds. Both systems were developed in close collaboration with scientists who are collecting data to better understand the impacts of climate change. Better sensing systems are important so that scientists have a greater understanding of chemical and biological processes, and how their actions manipulate them. Both Sensing systems in this work are used to gather information that will be used in future scientific decision making, and were developed through an iterative process of research, implementation, and trial.
