Honors Program
Date of this Version
Fall 2023
Document Type
Wilkins, S. 2023. Creating an Automatic Lowering Function for Quarter-scale Tractor Pulling Sled. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
As the agricultural industry works to continuously integrate innovative technology and improve production efficiency, improved on-board data acquisition and transmission will be necessary for all agricultural machines. To make this a reality, the utilization of controller area network (CAN) technology will be crucial. Therefore, it is important for all agricultural engineers to have foundational knowledge of CAN bus systems and the standards that govern their use in industry. The UNL quarter-scale tractor team regularly utilizes CAN buses on their tractors and testing equipment. One such testing machine is the team’s pulling sled, which uses CAN messages to transport important information related to the tractor’s performance during pulls. The main objective of this project was to improve the functionality of the pulling sled by integrating a push-button to automatically lower the sled pan to the ground at the beginning of a pull. In order to achieve this objective, it became necessary to redesign the code for the Danfoss DP600 display on the sled. The updates to the sled will help the quarter-scale tractor team evaluate their tractor designs better than ever before.
Included in
Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering Commons, Controls and Control Theory Commons, Higher Education Commons, VLSI and Circuits, Embedded and Hardware Systems Commons
Copyright Sam Wilkins 2023.