"Increasing Nursing Aide Knowledge on Benefits of Light for Sundowning " by Grace Hilfiker and Julie Masters

Honors Program


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Hilfiker, G. 2024. Increasing Nursing Aide Knowledge on Benefits of Light for Sundowning Syndrome. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Grace Hilfiker 2024


In this study, the knowledge of nursing aides on the benefits of light for sundowning syndrome was investigated. While dementia and sundowning syndrome is discussed during nursing aide training in the state of Nebraska, there is no discourse focused on how light plays beneficial role in lessening the symptoms of sundowning syndrome for those who are afflicted with dementia. This study asked what the current knowledge base surrounding dementia and sundowning syndrome is of nursing aides in the state of Nebraska. The aim was to justify adding a focus on concrete methods to use when caring for patients with dementia such as light benefits for sundowning syndrome into the nursing aide curriculum. The study consisted of an interview with participants who hold a nursing aide or medication aide license in the state of Nebraska. A series of qualitative questions was asked of the participants, including ones that focus on demographics and others that focus on their knowledge surrounding dementia, sundowning syndrome, and methods or techniques that can be used when working with patients who have dementia and suffer from sundowning syndrome symptoms. Thematic analysis identified themes surrounding the knowledge of sundowning syndrome and nursing aides. Results indicated common themes when caring for patients with dementia and sundowning syndrome such as the emotional impact, challenges with care, and methods that they use such as redirection, close observation, clarity of communication, and gentleness. The findings indicated that most nursing aides and medications aides were learning from their experience on the job.
