"Equality in Times of Uncertainty: Economic Downturn and Body Image Mes" by Ritsa Giannakas

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 2024

Document Type



Giannakas, G. R. (2024). Equality in Times of Uncertainty: Economic Downturn and Body Image Messaging Toward Women. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Ritsa Giannakas 2024.


A vast body of literature indicates that the economy and the status of women are interlinked, with higher levels of economic well-being tending to correspond with advancements in women’s rights. However, little of this research has investigated the changes in the wellbeing of women as it pertains to their physical and mental health, especially as it pertains to exploring the impacts of economics on eating disorder rates and societal messaging toward women. This thesis investigates a novel theory linking economic uncertainty and downturn to the spread of pro-eating disorder content online, positing that economic uncertainty may coincide with a “conservative shift” both economically and socially that in turn exacerbates sexist messaging toward women and encourages disordered eating.

After constructing and analyzing a large dataset consisting of pro-eating disorder keyword search frequency, relevant economic indicators such as per-capita personal income (PCPI) and unemployment, results suggest preliminary support for the idea that economic trends coincide with changes to women’s health. In support of the hypothesized findings, there was a significant and strong negative quadratic relationship between pro-anorexia search term frequency and PCPI, as well as a positive relationship between unemployment rate and search frequency for “thinspiration” or “thinspo.” There was, however, no relationship between pro-anorexia searches and unemployment, and the relationship between PCPI and “thinspo” searches indicated that increased income corresponded with higher rates of “thinspo” searches up until an individual reaches the threshold for being considered middle class (around $45,000 annually), after which the search frequency declines as predicted.
