"Mapping STRATCOM: The Architecture of Offutt, the U.S. Military, and S" by Anna Miles

Honors Program


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Miles, Anna. "Mapping STRATCOM: The Architecture of Offutt, the U.S. Military, and Strategic Command." Undergraduate Honors Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, March 24, 2024.


Copyright Anna Miles 2024.


Architecture and the military have always been intertwined. The built environment both on and off U.S. military installations responds to the events, history, and influences of the military. This project explores one example of this by investigating the history of the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, through the lens of architecture.

When exploring USSTRATCOM, this project aims to understand not only its history, but also its impact: on Offutt, on the world, and most importantly, on architecture. Firstly, the project explores the history of the military in the state of Nebraska and the context for the location of Strategic Command’s headquarters at Offutt. Then, it focuses on the history of Strategic Command in two main stages: Strategic Air Command (SAC) (late 1800s-1992) and USSTRATCOM (1992-present). With each, it explores the major events and players that shaped the two Commands. Most importantly, it aims to connect these to their impact on the local architecture at Offutt as well as greater architectural trends across the nation. Bridging military and architectural histories will begin creating an understanding of their relationship, and allow conclusions to be drawn about the future of the built environment and the military.
