"Music and Perceived Stress: An Investigation into the Effects of Music" by Alice Young and Eric Malina

Honors Program


Date of this Version


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Young, A., & Malina, E. (2024). Music and Perceived Stress: An Investigation into the Effects of Music on Chemistry Students’ Perceived Stress Levels [Review of Music and Perceived Stress: An Investigation into the Effects of Music on Chemistry Students’ Perceived Stress Levels]. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska - Lincoln.


Copyright Alice Young & Eric Malina 2024.


Music has long been a prevalent intervention when trying to lower stress in certain populations (Thoma et al., 2013). This study aimed to explore the possible usefulness of music as an intervention for students experiencing stress in the chemistry laboratory setting. Students in general chemistry laboratories were surveyed regarding their stress at the ends of periods in which music was or was not played in their laboratory classes. While the results were not statistically significant, mean stress scores did lower in those groups where music was played. Further research into this topic should focus on type of music, the effects of radio advertisement on stress, and surveying a larger sample size.
