"Olympic Infrastructure: The Effect on Host Cities" by Abriana Wilson

Honors Program


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Wilson, A. 2024. "Olympic Infrastructure: The Effect on Host Cities." Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University Nebraska-Lincoln


Copyright Abriana Wilson 2024.


Hosting the Olympic Games is an event associated with promoting urban development, economic surplus, and enhanced global visibility. However, the development of the Olympic Games is a topic that curates debate and scrutiny. This thesis aims to thoroughly analyze the different effects of Olympic Infrastructure on host cities. This study investigates both short- and long-term effects of large-scale Olympic development through real-world analysis, and qualitative, and quantitative data. Key areas of focus include legacy building, environmental awareness, health and safety, displacement, and sustainability. This research seeks to evaluate past Olympic Games to provide host cities with the information to create informed decisions before submitting Olympic bids. Finally, this thesis analyzes the relationship between large-scale event planning and urban development.

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