"Mechanical Engineering Capstone: A Reflection on the Design and Protot" by Timothy Goldsmith

Honors Program


Date of this Version


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Goldsmith, T. 2024. Mechanical Engineering Capstone: A Reflection on the Design and Prototyping of a Portable Water Heating System. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Timothy Goldsmith 2024.


This thesis includes several documents from a Mechanical Engineering Capstone course. These include project postmortem reports written at the conclusion of each term. These reports summarize the designing and prototyping of a portable water heating system. Additionally, this thesis includes written feedback on the final presentations for six other senior design teams. In these documents, presentations and projects are evaluated and encouragement and feedback are provided for the teams. The final component of this thesis is an essay reflecting on the different leadership roles assumed during the capstone course.
