"Exploration of the Mental Health Impacts of Drought on Rural Nebraskan" by Grace Schleining

Honors Program


Date of this Version

Spring 2024

Document Type



Schleining, G. (2024). Exploration of the Mental Health Impacts of Drought on Rural Nebraskans via Remembered Perceptions. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright Grace Schleining 2024.


Drought is a sociological phenomenon. It is a well-known occurrence across the midwestern United States; the drying out of the soil, the failing of crops, and the constant dryness and heat... this is all drought. Inspired by my earliest memory of this climate phenomenon, my research question: Can we identify negative effects of drought on rural Nebraskan mental health and/or wellbeing? In this study, rural Nebraska community members, who are involved with the agricultural sector, were interviewed. They were asked questions regarding their perceptions and stories of drought using purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods. Themes throughout indicate negative mental health/well-being impacts. Each individual in the study was able to speak to their experiences with drought and how it affected them. Stress was the most frequently mentioned mental health impact. The interviewees shared compelling responses that they became disheartened and no longer enjoyed farming. Furthermore, they expressed that their interactions with their loved ones suffered, and their physical health was impacted. The purpose of this paper is to distill the results of the interviews into tangible evidence to assist in examining the research question. This small study found evidence that it is well-known within the farming community that mental health and well-being are negatively impacted by drought. With this knowledge, it is our job as a society to identify, address, and create solutions for a group of individuals that we rely so heavily upon.
