"Exemplary Arts: Section D — Subject: Contemporary Arts and Crafts" by Edna Glenn

History, Department of


Date of this Version

September 2008

Document Type

Book Chapter


Published in Hopi Nation: Essays on Indigenous Art, Culture, History, and Law, edited by Edna Glenn, John R. Wunder, Willard Hughes Rollings, and C. L. Martin (Lincoln, NE: UNL Digital Commons, 2008). Copyright © 2008 the Estate of Edna Glenn, Willard Hughes Rollings, Abbott Sekaquaptewa, Barton Wright, Michael Kabotie, Terrance Talaswaima, Alice Schlegel, Robert H. Ames, Peter Iverson, and John R. Wunder. All images and artwork are copyright by the individual artists; for a listing see pages 9-14.


Hopi people have always been very fine artists. In 1950 we developed the Hopi Arts and Crafts Cooperative Guild . . . The Hopi Co-op supports some four hundred artists and craftsmen . . . Basketry and pottery are the oldest of the art forms among our people. — Lomawywesa

Sixteen examples are presented in this section. Other examples of painting, photography, and graphics are included throughout the book.

Ceramics, Figures 43-51
43. HOPI CERAMIC PROCESSES, 2 photographs — Sylvia Naha Talaswaima, potter,First Mesa, Arizona. 1981
45 – 48. ONE CERAMIC BOWL (four views) — Sylvia Naha Talaswaima, potter,First Mesa, Arizona. 1981
49. CERAMIC VESSEL — Sylvia Naha Talaswaima, potter, First Mesa, Arizona. 1981
50. THREE CERAMIC BOWLS — Sylvia Naha Talaswaima, potter, First Mesa, Arizona. 1981
51. HOPI CERAMIC WEDDING JAR — Fannie Nampeyo, potter, First Mesa, Arizona. 1960

Basketry, Figures 52-55
52. HOPI BASKETS, various basket-makers & ONE CERAMIC SCULPTURE — Otollie Loloma
54 – 55. HOPI COILED PLAQUES — Marla Tewaweira, Second Mesa, Arizona. 1980

Jewelry, Figure 56
56. JEWELRY (two belt buckles) — LOMAWYWESA (Michael Kabotie), Hopi overlay, silver. 1981

Painting, Figures 57 and 58
57. STORY WITH ROCKS — COOCHSIWUKIOMA (Delbridge Honanie), painting, acrylic.
58. SIKYATKI HAND AND BEE — LOMAWYWESA (Michael Kabotie), Mixed-media composition. 1973
