Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking at the University of Nebraska


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Presented at Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 12, 2012


Copyright (c) 2012 Taylor Poe, Tania Do Carmo, Joan Jarman, & Rose Gunderson.


Human trafficking is a complex phenomenon in need of a collective response. Through intentional formal and informal collaboration, stakeholders are better equipped to prevent exploitation, empower survivors, and gain increased understanding on good practice. Developed in 2009 by Chab Dai USA and launched to the public in 2012, Freedom Registry is a collaborative project designed to build inter-organizational awareness and increased knowledge sharing among anti-trafficking stakeholders across the United States. As part of Chab Dai's international 'Global Learning Community' project, this year the Freedom Registry model entered early stages of replication in three additional countries around the globe. In addition to working with global partners on expanding Freedom Registry, Chab Dai is working with international partners to develop an online global platform to engage stakeholders from multiple interdisciplinary backgrounds and international geographic locations. In 2009 and 2011, we presented Freedom Registry during its initial planning and design phases. For 2012, we will update attendees on the project's implementation (including both successes and challenges), how collected data is currently being used to analyze the national anti-trafficking movement's current state, and how the platform is currently being replicated by partners in Africa, Europe and Asia.
