Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking at the University of Nebraska
Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking: 1st (2009)
Dr. Kevin Bales was a Keynote Speaker; Dr. Bales is one of the world's leading experts on modern slavery and child trafficking. He is President the of Free the Slaves, the US-sister organization of Anti-Slavery International (the world's oldest human rights organization).
First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking: Final Program Schedule
Religious Conviction and Human Trafficking: Motive Matters, Nathan Adams, Julia Bingman, Jared Littleton, and Jeremy Scott
Keynote Address: First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Kevin Bales
Opening Public Address: First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Kevin Bales
Estimating the Extent of Human Trafficking from Ukraine: Final Report, Dwayne Ball and Ronald Hampton
Stories of Sex Trafficking: Rescue, Victimization, and Silence, Donna M. Bickford
Human Trafficking Legislation Across the States: The Determinants of Comprehensiveness, Vanessa Bouche and Dana Wittmer
Which Comes First, The Smuggling or The Trafficking?, Linda Brandmiller and Elizabeth Crooks
Understanding Human Trafficking: Development of Typologies of Traffickers PHASE II, Noël Busch-Armendariz, Maura Nsonwu, and Laurie Cook Heffron
Unintended Consequences: Understanding Human Trafficking in the United States, Lyndsey Christoffersen
Chab Dai USA Mapping Project: U.S. Based Agencies Working Against Trafficking & Exploitation, Tania DoCarmo
Sex Trafficking Needs Assessment for the State of Minnesota, Mary C. Ellison
Understanding the Determinants of Police Identification of Human Trafficking Cases, Amy Farrell
Estimating the Extent of Out-Migration Human Trafficking in Ukraine, Ron Hampton, Dwayne Ball, Julie Pennington, and Anh Nguyen
A Social Ecological Framework for addressing Social Issues, Alexis Jaclyn Hickman, Lyndsey Christoffersen, Mo Sami, and Chitvan Trivedi
Integrating Modern-Day Slavery into Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminars, Keisha L. Hoerrner and Ruth Goldfine
Development in the Debate over Diplomatic Immunity for Diplomats Who Enslave Domestic Workers, Usama Kahf
The Trafficked Worker as Private Attorney General: A Model for Enforcing the Civil Rights of Undocumented Workers, Kathleen Kim
Commercial sexual exploitation of American Indian women and girls, Suzanne Koepplin and Alexandra (Sandi) Pierce
Trafficking in Persons: Analyzing International Case Law to Understand Crime and the Criminal, Laura Lederer
Where are the Victims? Perspectives on U.S. Anti-Trafficking Policy: Funding & Practice, Johnny McGaha
Shattered hearts (full report): The commercial sexual exploitation of American Indian women and girls in Minnesota., Alexandra (Sandi) Pierce
Shattered hearts (summary report): The commercial sexual exploitation of American Indian women and girls in Minnesota., Alexandra (Sandi) Pierce
Call for Papers and Presentations: First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, UNL Human Trafficking Team
Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Trafficked Girls: The Laura Vicuna Foundation Experience, Maria Victoria Palomo Sta. Ana