Agriculture and Natural Resources, Institute of (IANR)


Date of this Version



From THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE: The First Century by Elvin F. Frolik and Ralston J. Graham. Copyright © 1987 University of Nebraska Board of Regents.


Chapter l. UN Field Laboratory at Mead/UN Agricultural Research and Development Center ........... 287

Chapter 2. Northeast Station/UN Northeast Research and Extension Center ........... 303

Chapter 3. North Platte Station/UN West Central Research and Extension Center .... 309

Chapter 4. Panhandle Station/UN Panhandle Research and Extension Center ........ 317

Section 1. Main Station ........ 317

Section 2. Northwest Agricultural Laboratory, Alliance ........ 325

Section 3. High Plains, Agricultural Laboratory, Sidney ........ 327

Chapter 5. South Central Station, UN South Central Research and Extension Center ........ 329

Chapter 6. UN Southeast Research and Extension Center, Lincoln ........ 332

Chapter 7. Fort Robinson Beef Cattle Research Station, Crawford ........ 333

Chapter 8. The Roman R. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Reseach Center (RLH US MARC) ........ 341

Chapter 9. The Valentine Substation ........ 347

Chapter 10. Multiple-Use Farms ........ 349

Section l. Dalbey-Halleck Farm, Virginia ........ 350

Section 2. Development Farms (at various locations) ........ 351

Section 3. Fawcett Endowment Farm, Lodgepole ........ 353

Section 4. Pierce Sandy Land Farm, Pierce ........ 354

Section 5. Rogers Memorial Farm, Lincoln ........ 355

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